En primer lugar me centraré en el defecto más pronunciado del juego: El tamaño de los sprites. Aun luciendo con una nitidez como pocos títulos
de Lynx, su baja resolución crea, junto a la limitada paleta de colores utilizada, una extraña
confusión en momentos determinados, encontrando la molestia más pronunciada en la dificultad para poder distinguir los items.
Esto puede ser consecuencia del parecido más que evidente con la
versión de NES, respetando la escala de sus sprites en pantalla y manteniendo
en gran medida la paleta de colores de la misma.
We are facing the third chapter of the Ninja saga par excellence, being a port that, although the graphics do not look like the first part in Lynx, clearly exceeds many other aspects.
First I will focus on the game more pronounced defect: The size of the sprites. Even wearing a few titles clearly as Lynx, low resolution creates, together with the limited color palette used, a strange confusion at particular times, finding the trouble more pronounced in the difficulty to distinguish the items.
This may be the result of more than evident resemblance with the NES version, respecting the scale of the sprites on screen and largely keeping the color palette of the same.
Si bien la consola de Atari puede mostrar una paleta de color y unos gráficos imposibles para la máquina de Nintendo, en esta ocasión el título para NES gana en ciertos aspectos, contando inclusive con más capas de scroll en determinados niveles.
We are facing the third chapter of the Ninja saga par excellence, being a port that, although the graphics do not look like the first part in Lynx, clearly exceeds many other aspects.
First I will focus on the game more pronounced defect: The size of the sprites. Even wearing a few titles clearly as Lynx, low resolution creates, together with the limited color palette used, a strange confusion at particular times, finding the trouble more pronounced in the difficulty to distinguish the items.
This may be the result of more than evident resemblance with the NES version, respecting the scale of the sprites on screen and largely keeping the color palette of the same.
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(Todas las imágenes han sido tratadas para mostrarse con Scanlines, pudiendo contemplarse de forma irregular si no se visualizan en su resolución nativa) |
Aun con todo, Ninja Gaiden III luce muy bien y de una forma mucho más estable que la versión de sobremesa de 8 bits de Nintendo. (cuenta con una mayor tasa de fps)
Olvidando este claro defecto Ninja Gaiden III supera a nivel jugable, y con creces, al port de la recreativa que ya recibiera tiempo atrás la portátil de Atari, sobretodo por ser un juego mucho más
profundo y duradero, recordando que la versión del arcade original solo contaba con cuatro fases. Aun siendo un gran título dentro del catálogo de la consola.
While Atari console can display a color palette and graphics impossible for the Nintendo machine, this time winning the title for NES in certain respects, including counting more scrolling layers at certain levels.
Even with all Ninja Gaiden III looks great and in a much more stable than the desktop version of 8-bit Nintendo. (has a higher fps rate)
Forgetting this clear defect exceeds Ninja Gaiden III playable level, and by far, the port of the arcade which has already received long ago Atari's handheld, especially for being a much more profound and lasting, recalling that the original arcade version only had four levels. Even being a great title in the catalog of the console.
While Atari console can display a color palette and graphics impossible for the Nintendo machine, this time winning the title for NES in certain respects, including counting more scrolling layers at certain levels.
Even with all Ninja Gaiden III looks great and in a much more stable than the desktop version of 8-bit Nintendo. (has a higher fps rate)
Forgetting this clear defect exceeds Ninja Gaiden III playable level, and by far, the port of the arcade which has already received long ago Atari's handheld, especially for being a much more profound and lasting, recalling that the original arcade version only had four levels. Even being a great title in the catalog of the console.
El sonido no es malo en absoluto, pero tampoco logra brillar, lo cual
lo convierte en perfectamente prescindible. Suena demasiado enlatado, algo bastante típico dentro del sistema.
El juego tiene una dificultad elevada, sello de la casa, que requerirá
de toda nuestra concentración y pericia a los mandos de nuestra Lynx, contando, como
siempre, con una respuesta infalible en su control. Sobradamente buena.
Sin embargo, y a pesar de la dureza del desafío, el título invita a seguir jugando una y otra vez. Comparándolo con la versión de NES, el port de Atari resulta algo más sencillo de finalizar, reduciendo su dificultad en no pocos momentos, incluido el duro enfrentamiento final y su acceso previo.
The sound is not bad at all, but also fails to shine, which makes it perfectly dispensable. It sounds too canned, something quite typical within the system.
The game has a high difficulty, own label brand, we require all our concentration and expertise at the controls of our Lynx, counting, as always, with unfailing in its control response. Amply good.
However, despite the hardness of the challenge, the title invites to play again and again. Compared to the NES version, the Atari port is somewhat simpler to complete, reducing the difficulty in many times, including the final showdown and previous access.
The sound is not bad at all, but also fails to shine, which makes it perfectly dispensable. It sounds too canned, something quite typical within the system.
The game has a high difficulty, own label brand, we require all our concentration and expertise at the controls of our Lynx, counting, as always, with unfailing in its control response. Amply good.
However, despite the hardness of the challenge, the title invites to play again and again. Compared to the NES version, the Atari port is somewhat simpler to complete, reducing the difficulty in many times, including the final showdown and previous access.
En esta ocasión contamos con las clásicas acrobacias y poderes de Ryu, pudiendo engancharnos a las plataformas, usar nuestro Ninjato, Shurikens y
demás armamento Ninja.
Los powerups se obtendrán al romper los orbes esparcidos por el
escenario, encontrándose estos limitados por una barra que nos dirá, según el poder a
utilizar, de cuantos usos disponemos.
Como siempre, será vital aprender a rebotar por las paredes con la
suficiente pericia y habilidad, convirtiendo al título, gracias sobre todo a
esta característica, en poco recomendable para los menos experimentados.
This time we have the classic Ryu stunts and powers and can hook us to the platforms, use our Ninjato, Ninja Shurikens and other weapons.
The powerups are obtained by breaking the orbs scattered around the stage, finding these limited by a bar that will tell us, as the power to use, have few uses.
As always, it is vital to learn to bounce off the walls with sufficient expertise and skill, making the title, thanks largely to this feature in not recommended for the less experienced.
This time we have the classic Ryu stunts and powers and can hook us to the platforms, use our Ninjato, Ninja Shurikens and other weapons.
The powerups are obtained by breaking the orbs scattered around the stage, finding these limited by a bar that will tell us, as the power to use, have few uses.
As always, it is vital to learn to bounce off the walls with sufficient expertise and skill, making the title, thanks largely to this feature in not recommended for the less experienced.
Si algo caracteriza a esta saga es su dificultad, trazando una curva de constante exigencia en su desarrollo. Lejos de ser un
defecto ha de verse como una virtud, propia de los capítulos aventureros de nuestro querido
La historia del juego sitúa sus hechos entre el primer
y el segundo capítulo, y nos cuenta como un impostor, que se hace pasar por Ryu, acaba con la vida de la agente Irene, haciendo parecer culpable a
nuestro Ninja favorito y teniendo que demostrar este su inocencia. Hay que recalcar que, al igual que sucedía en el original, toda la trama se nos cuenta a través de las mismas cinemáticas que ya nos dejaron perplejos en su día en el cartucho de NES.
El juego hace gala de una ambientación y unos enemigos
más “cyber” que en anteriores entregas, pero siempre respetando sus ambientes
característicos y el tono de diseño general de los anteriores títulos.
If anything characterizes this series is its difficulty, drawing a constant demand curve in its development. Far from being a defect must be seen as a virtue, own adventurous chapters of our beloved Hayabusa.
The game's story puts his deeds among the first and the second chapter, and we count as an impostor, who pretends to be Ryu, kills the agent Irene, making it look like our Ninja favorite guilty and having to prove this his innocence. It is emphasized that, as happened in the original, the whole plot is told through cinematic them and perplexed us in the day in the NES cartridge.
The game boasts an atmosphere and a more "cyber" enemies than in previous releases, but always respecting their environments tone characteristic and overall design of the previous titles.
If anything characterizes this series is its difficulty, drawing a constant demand curve in its development. Far from being a defect must be seen as a virtue, own adventurous chapters of our beloved Hayabusa.
The game's story puts his deeds among the first and the second chapter, and we count as an impostor, who pretends to be Ryu, kills the agent Irene, making it look like our Ninja favorite guilty and having to prove this his innocence. It is emphasized that, as happened in the original, the whole plot is told through cinematic them and perplexed us in the day in the NES cartridge.
The game boasts an atmosphere and a more "cyber" enemies than in previous releases, but always respecting their environments tone characteristic and overall design of the previous titles.
Ninja Gaiden III es un fabuloso juego dentro del
catálogo de Atari Lynx, con pocos rivales a los que se pueda comparar y con
unas calidades más que aceptables, cuyo único punto negro es la exagerada
similitud con su versión original NES en el aspecto gráfico (resultando malparado en algunas áreas concretas), y la ya mencionada
diminuta escala de los enemigos y del propio Ryu.
Si te gustaron los capítulos anteriores, Ninja Gaiden
III te gustará por igual, siendo uno de los más grandes cartuchos de Lynx. (Y de los pocos con 4Mb)
Si tenéis problemas de visión no compréis este juego,
pues su escala diminuta os hará forzar la vista como ningún otro.
A parte de esto, el juego es una maravilla, como sus
dos hermanos mayores de NES. Un juego que continúa con la dificultad elevada de
toda la saga, pero también con su cuidada jugabilidad.
Ninja Gaiden III is a great game in the Atari Lynx catalog, with few rivals who can compare with a more than acceptable quality, the only downside is the exaggerated similarity with NES original version in the graphics (resulting unfavorably in specific areas), and the aforementioned tiny scale of the enemies and Ryu himself.
If you liked the previous chapters, Ninja Gaiden III will like it too, being one of the largest Lynx cartridges. (And of the few with 4Mb)
If you have vision problems do not buy this game, because its tiny scale you will strain your eyes like no other.
Apart from this, the game is wonderful, like his two older brothers. A game that continues the high difficulty of the whole saga, but also with its careful gameplay.
He de advertiros que puestos a elegir, sin duda, optaría antes por la versión de NES, debido a su mayor confort al ser visualizada en una TV. Si bien existen diferencias, y la escala es la más marcada, son dos títulos bastante parejos en cuanto a disfrute. Si posees una Lynx: No lo dudes.
I must warn you that given the choice, no doubt, opt before the NES version, because of their greater comfort to be viewed on a TV. While there are differences, and the scale is the more marked, two titles are pretty even in terms of enjoyment. If you have a Lynx: Do not hesitate.
Ninja Gaiden III is a great game in the Atari Lynx catalog, with few rivals who can compare with a more than acceptable quality, the only downside is the exaggerated similarity with NES original version in the graphics (resulting unfavorably in specific areas), and the aforementioned tiny scale of the enemies and Ryu himself.
If you liked the previous chapters, Ninja Gaiden III will like it too, being one of the largest Lynx cartridges. (And of the few with 4Mb)
If you have vision problems do not buy this game, because its tiny scale you will strain your eyes like no other.
Apart from this, the game is wonderful, like his two older brothers. A game that continues the high difficulty of the whole saga, but also with its careful gameplay.
He de advertiros que puestos a elegir, sin duda, optaría antes por la versión de NES, debido a su mayor confort al ser visualizada en una TV. Si bien existen diferencias, y la escala es la más marcada, son dos títulos bastante parejos en cuanto a disfrute. Si posees una Lynx: No lo dudes.
I must warn you that given the choice, no doubt, opt before the NES version, because of their greater comfort to be viewed on a TV. While there are differences, and the scale is the more marked, two titles are pretty even in terms of enjoyment. If you have a Lynx: Do not hesitate.
Por tu culpa un día de estoy voy a cometer una locura y me voy a comprar algunos cartuchos originales de la Lynx... entre ellos este!!!
ResponderEliminarMe parece una buena idea, pero no te olvides del Chip´s Challenge y el Crystal MinesII!!
EliminarSaludos Raulo!!